I was on leave for 2 days before Eid itself to help mum with the Ketupat (rice cakes) making. Actually, it's more that I look aft T and other trivial household chores so mum can concentrate making all 450pcs ordered.
My dad's got some of the pictures of this year's Ketupat boiling moments in his FB (Nick: adiekosongtiga).
I'm grateful that Ash didn't resist using the Rainbow for cleaning the house. But she did put me in charge of assembling and disassembling. We still haven't figured out how to "Mop" using the rainbow, so we had to bring in an Instructor:
We had a good headstart this year, me thinks. PLUS it wasn't soooo messy this time around. It usually got chaotic 2-3 days before what with the ketupat and all. This year, it's just toys and it's easy to put away. So that before maghrib we were already done with the living room.
I prolly have similar photos of Syifaa' in this stance as well as mopping.
The balcony turned sitting area
At the corner is the swing and assorted vehicles of pleasure.
I hafta say that this year, my room didn't get a real makeover. Already this position is quite new as in I didn't have this for last Eid. I just hung new curtains and changed to a rarely used bedsheet.
From the door
I hafta say that this year, my room didn't get a real makeover. Already this position is quite new as in I didn't have this for last Eid. I just hung new curtains and changed to a rarely used bedsheet.
From the door
His books are placed low for easy reach.
My room felt bare without mirror and a "backdrop". I had another pole above my bed where i hung flowers to decorate the wall. Now it's just nothing. I've also just got my room painted (after 10 years of orangeness) but the colour didn't turn out the way i wanted. Stupid Jotun machine cldnt replicate the original hue from Nippon. Boooooring~
Shall do something to my room next year. If budget permits.
I didn't even arrange the Kuih2 (cookies and cakes) this year cause I fell asleep while sending Tufeil to dreamworld and Mum had to do it herself. SORRY!!! Hopefully 2011, Tufeil will be more... independent, manageable maybe even, dare i hope, helpful? heheee
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