Fri, 5th November
Today was Deepavali (aka Diwali) public holiday. I wanted to do something special. After a long afternoon nap, we went to Sembawang Park for a little fun.
He was running around for a good 10minutes while we wait for the car to come. We went to get dinner at Sembawang MRT first and the Char kway at Ananas Cafe was TO DIE FOR!
This is the first time i really spent time here at this Sembawang "beach". It's SUPER small. and the waves were tiny. There were quite a lot of people but we managed to get a spot under a coconut tree.
Tufeil absolutely LOVED the water!
Sat, 6th Nov 2010.
At first, my appointment @ NY skin was to be at 5pm, but nobody could babysit Tufeil except for my sis. And for the occassion, she wanted to bring T out to East Coast. Then as it happened, the treatment center had a cancellation for 12pm slot making me able to join them after all.
Second reaction was, "*slap forehead* I could have got a whole afternoon to myself if i hadn't accepted the time change." Third reaction: OK nevermind, we'll get to cycle together."
This time around, i remembered to dress him in bodysuit so we can remove his pants before sand/water play.
This time around, i remembered to dress him in bodysuit so we can remove his pants before sand/water play.
The beach was much longer and he discovered wet sand is very fun!
So are the splashy waves!
Even tho there were some tools, he prefer to use his hands to spade out the sand
I forgot to take off my shoes and they got extremely wet. It wasn't crocs.
Afterwards, I rented the bike after having walked to two kiosks to get one with proper height (for me) as well as a good baby front seat. Tufeil actually WALKED the distance. I'm so happy he didn't ask to be carried. Much.
Washing up was A BIG CHORE!!! Hate it hate it hate it! At least for now Tufeil is still small so we just washed him out front with a long hose. It's an even bigger chore because T hates getting water in his face. I saw a fellow mum washing up 3 kids no problem sey. So easy. PLUS we went to the toilet near the skating rink. It was defunct lor! TOTALLY CRAP! YUCKS!
Then the floor was sandy so I cldn't get T's feet properly clean. Just left it bare to dry and swept the sands off before climbing into the car. Again the change of clothes was another bodysuit sans pants.
In the end, it was soooo tiring! Like I said to my mum, actually the DAY is great until we had to go to the toilet. And my dad added, "Yeah lah to change ourselves already so troublesome, what more to change the little one." I almost swore to myself never to come to East Coast again EVER.
Final thoughts: Thank God I came. I don't know how they would have managed handling two kids on their own! Cause someone needed to sit on the mat to guard our things to essentially one adult to 2 kids.
0 glasses of Juice:
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