
12th Aug 09 - Date of Tufeil's First Roll from back to tummy. 4.5months

He turned to his left. Kak Ly spotted it first while i was in the kitchen getting some water. Good thing he took quite awhile so i witnessed his first too. By the next day, he was turning more often albeit still slowly. I wasn't able to see this as i was............

13th Aug 09 - First leisure outing with colleagues.

I think it was my first ever outing with my colleagues at current employment. I've written before how i'm able to click with these new recruits very nicely. This statement is reinforced by our karaoke night last night!

It also happened to be my FIRST time going back late from work (after 1.5month).

We went to Club 7. This time the i/c is super lor soh and ngiow! = irritating. Cannot this cannot that. Please do this and that. Treated us like kids. Food was also not as good as last time. Aiyah.

I only sang English song cos i feel that i would lose my audience if i had sung in Malay cos they wont know the song. But since they outnumbered me, they sang mostly chinese songs. Nevermind, next week will be the turn for malay songs with the cuzzies, parents and BABY!!!


I am always hungry nowadays. I attribute it to hurried digestion? or whatever it should be called.

Its like this. When i eat, i'm always in a rush. For eg if at home, i only get to steal a few precious minutes (say 20min?) when baby is quiet to eat, shower, clean. So i chomp my food so fast before u cld say "Sausage". haha

Then when i'm at work, i hafta eat quickly to pump milk. I eat so fast, i barely chew the food! ok tak sampai ke tahap pelahap but u get the picture.


I'm trying to find the cause of my baby being so cranky while at home w my mum during the day.

Is it because....

  1. I didnt change the diaper in the morning? But even if i didnt change, sometimes he's good.
  2. He's having too little milk? I express 4 bottles, but mum gave him 3 times every 3 hours. But even when i told mum to try give him more and she gave him 200ml more, he was still cranky...
  3. Too little sleep?
  4. Missing mummy?

Then Ash was off from work tt day and noticed tt Tufeil screamed his lungs out when he got disturbed from his sleep by his the wails of his cousin. Boy do i know how fussy he gets when we disturb his sleep. But surely this doesn't everyday to be the cause!?

Mum reported to me that yesterday Tufeil was a good boy... can play by himself on the bed and all. So what did we do differently? Everything else is still the same.

Ok mummy just called in to say she thinks its the milk! Today he's a good boy again. Ok Julissa... just stay on top of the expressing schedule.

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1 glasses of Juice:

amethyst said...

sis, could it be smthing u ate? i mean, when ur mum referred to the milk? for my 3rd one, he gets quite cranky (probably gassy) whenever I eat chocolates. his stools would also appear slightly different. i still take chocolates once in a while though, but in oh-so-lil amt. hehe