The week didn't start very well. Tufeil was absent on Monday because he was still running a fever and of course his ever existing runny nose (just like his mum).
Tufeil came home on Friday with his file, a book and a ziploc bag containing... a Hand-crafted Turtle!!
The week before that, I already passed the teacher "materials" for this week art & craft session - Elmo sticker. Somebody commented, "HUH? You already paid for the Annual materials, still they cannot provide all the things for art & Craft Wednesdays?" I was totally stumped. Hmmm
Isn't it lovely?? I don't hafta buy other books to let him "play" now...
His file contains, among others, a list of things he's been introducted to at school...
KJ / KG are the kindergarteners.
I love all these information that they provide to the parents. But you know what? I would LOVE to sit in EVERYDAY! Because it's SO FUN!! I'm such a kid! *sheepish grin*
He doesn't cry anymore when boarding the bus. That's a relief. But he kept telling me that he cried at school. I'm not sure if that's true or he's trying to tell me something else. Must remember to ask his teacher.
I suppose my 2 main concerns at the moment are his sleeping hours and mealtimes/food intake.
While Tufeil is now almost always already ready to go to bed by 8.30pm, he still hasn't quite settled into any kind of pattern in terms of mid-day naps. Sometimes he would sleep in the bus (11.30am) or sometimes after lunch (12.30nn) for 1.5hours or sometimes at 2pm for just HALF an hour.
He wakes up at 7am, and then we had to let him "play" for about 10min before my mum could shower and dress him for school. By the time he was ready, it was time to go down and wait for the bus. (Mum likes to let him run around before bus comes so he won't cry. He didn't even cry seeing me get into the car to work now.) My mum would always pack a nutella sandwich which most of the time he's so distracted to eat he only manages half of it plus some Milk Chocolate.
And then at school, they have snack time at 9.45am. I saw the menu, sometimes they have porridge, or cereal or sandwich or whatever... but I worry that again, T doesn't eat enough. Because firstly he doesnt feed himself very well yet.. I imagine most of the food that requires spooning would drop on the floor as opposed to in his mouth. The teachers would be kept occupied with the rest to sit down and feed T (not their fault, really).
So... I don't know what to do besides making up for the "lost" food for dinner but I think that's not very healthy if I wanna keep T slim. Aiyooo
0 glasses of Juice:
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