Fri, 22nd April 2011.
It's the Good Friday Public Holiday and we were itching to go out.
We took cab to Plaza Singapura to meet Sis Aiman w her daughter Amani for lunch at Swensens. Luckily, she brought along her maid, so after the kids were done at the table, she helped to look after the kids running around outside for a bit, and so the adults managed to chat a little.
It was his nap time. I carried him around till he slept and then we went to the Family Room where you get a free 1hour use of the facilities (2 massage chairs for adults w TV, coffee and magazines and a room for child's play activity) with $50 purchase. We spent like $100 at Swensens so that was enough for 2 adults and 3 kids. We had to pay another $5 for the maid to come in.
I took the opportunity to take a nap too on the massage chair with T still on top of me.

When he woke up, he got to play around for a bit before our 1hour was up.
I don't know why he was soooooo super duper cranky that day it was embarrassing. Couldn't shop in peace! He vehemently refused to sit in the stroller, neither did he want to walk / run around with the other kids. So I had to carry him a lot. Cannot even enter a shop, he'll whine. Yikes!
Fortunately, Ly had a brilliant idea. His mood instantly lifted up after...

He gave the girls a ride in a tow truck. Two rounds worth.
The girls went into another Batman one but it was too claustrophically small for his comfort so he just looked on - and did not cry, I must add.
Afterwards, we were finally able to go into Cotton On Kids. 30% discount for 4 days only! I almost went crazy but quickly settled for 2 leggings at about $9 each?, a $7.50 T-shirt, and a $20 checkered shirt.
And T led the girls in a clothes-rail ride again.
A short clip of them dancing. I didn't get the earlier good bits when the music was very catchy and they all jumped around.
It was past 5pm and we were getting hungry and stopped at Mc for a snack. T pooped and then afterwards, puked too, he's been having a lot of phlegm lately, and got changed.

"I love burger"
Errrr... we were sooo tired we took the cab home. But all in all, a good day.
0 glasses of Juice:
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