MOnday, 20th Dec 2010.
Despite the somewhat late night, we had a very early start today! We were to have bfast at 6am and depart at 7am.
We were going to the ancient Nabataeans establishment called Al-Khazneh or The Treasury (Okay I totally had to google this cause I can't for the life of me recall!) from .. i dont know 300 AD? thereabout. We were told that there would be about 5km walk to and fro including 600m of Horse ride.
Carriages are available for those who need. We had 4 senior citizens who took them. I told Mum if the pavement condition is not suitable for stroller, then she should take T on the carriage since her knees are not that strong either, while I walk. Neither did I want to be carrying T all 5km!! But Mum insisted that its better to walk and we could take turns carrying him between the 3 of us.
Note the cloudless sky. I'm sooo jakun (amazed)!
It was, according to the guide, not as cold as the recent days as was expected. So we were thankful for that. But I wasn't taking any chances with regards to how I dressed T. Under there he had on one full sleeved shirt, a short sleeve with the light blue hood, then a wool jumper and then this winter jacket.
There was a water channel on the left-hand side where the rocks were cut inward. Unfortunately, some parts were damaged.
The going was slightly downhill so it didn't feel so bad when we carried T along. Although most of the time when it was my turn, I encouraged him to walk instead.
It was such a shame that entrance is sealed. I would have loved to see what's inside. The others went into several of the other smaller caves but they said there wasn't anything there except for a few stone stools or something reeking badly or urine.
However, to be honest, I was actually more attracted to the camels! Like I said, I badly wanted to ride one and since everyone was looking around, I went for it at Jordanian Dinar 3 or USD 4.
The camel just circled around the area. Going up was no problem as I shut my eye. When the camel was about to sit down (1:30 of the video), I was totally shocked and belted out a scream that got echoed
The second camel actually had CURLY fur!!
And dad snapped me.
Cool house or what.
Also peered at the kitchen afterwhich we were reprimanded by the SNOTTY cooks. What the!
Hotel Europe.
This is when Tufeil got totally cranky wailing for his milk. I told the group to go on ahead while Mummy and I sat on a bench. Very uncomfortable with the layers of clothing to be doing it in public discreetly. Fortunately, as it was still quite early, I reckon not yet 9am, the crowd was inexistent and T promptly fell asleep. And Mum took over holding him while I get to explore for a bit.
Walking back was a NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE!!! This time around, the hike is slightly uphill it was TORTUROUS really! T was passed between us 3 after each minute. There wasn't any carriages passing by or I would have defly flagged it down! Damn!
And THEN came the horse ride. It was decided that Ayah would hold T as I'm not confident to. It should be ok as we don't hafta hold the rein and the guy will WALK the horse.
The guy insisted that the sleeping baby be seated in front of Ayah.
OF COURSE T WOKE UP!!!!! But good also lah so that he could experience it.
They finished their supply of horses and i had to wait for the next one to come back. Initially the man told me to just WALK back but i was adamant to TAKE THE HORSE!! What the hell! IT'S THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY HOLIDAY AND I'M NOT GOING TO GIVE IT UP PLUS WE'VE ALREADY FREAKING PAID FOR IT!
We waited quite some time in the bus. The Boss has not come back yet as well as two of our friends. In the meantime, I had the opportunity (or bad luck) to change T's soiled diaper at the mobile toilet (horrors!!! with the freezing water all) and took photos of pinecones.
When they got back, they explained that they got sort of lost. They were just taking pictures and then moved off but couldn't see any one of us. They backtracked to no avail and they wandered around and around... It was... scary. Thank god they are safe lah.
Again, prompt lunch at a Zaman Restaurant 5min drive away. and then onwards for yet another 5hour drive in which T slept for almost 3 of them. This time to the Syrian border. We were not so lucky at the immigration cause despite constant reminders, one of our passports still had the Jewish custom sticker and the Syrian officials were not happy about it. However, our Syrian guide, managed the problem. We were there for an hour. It was probably around 6pm by the time we moved off and still another 2 hours before we get to the city of Damascus where our hotel and dinner is! OUCH!
Mustafa is a totally hip and cool guide. Our favouritest! His English is also superb considering that he'd spent some time living in the UK. He explained the economy of the country in such a way that it was FUN. hahaha PLUS, he LOVES T and took picture with T and everything. Anyone who loves T will be loved by me too. LOL.
Dinner destination
VERY crowded, service was TOO... prompt? eager to clean our plates. Aiyoo
But I was sooooo elated when they served Mushroom soup. T ate only the mushroom tonight. Too bad mum didn't take hers, I could have cleaned her bowl!
It was 10.20 by the time we arrived at our hotel!
I was sooo happy when The Boss gave Mum and me HIS VIP room. Well because he's bunking in with my dad and no way are two straight guys sleeping together on a Queen bed. LOL!
From the door. The sitting area with a FLAT screen TV.
Has a heater behind the door but the shower stall SUCKS big time. TOO small hate it when the curtain stuck to my back when showering!
The sleeping area with a humongous fridge
7 glasses of Juice:
You complained wayyy too much! haha.
Hey YOU try carring a 12kg baby uphill for a minute or two. and then again and then again.
Not just that. You complained about the food, the shower... >.<
I want to read an enjoyable trip that who knows will inspire me to go :P
LOvely write up! I was full of admiration for you for even having the courage to take on this trip with a toddler in tow. It was by no means an easy trip with many trekkings and going up and down the bus ... u're a cool dudette. Totally enjoyed your co., family, toddler and all... hehe. Keep writing ! :)
/One of the lost ones ;)
Arent u glad ure bfeeding kan kan? Imagine hvg to lug hot water bottles around! :) -Nan
Thanks One of the Lost Ones hahaha. (I thought I had replied to this comment earlier Sorry)
Yah the Up and Down the bus also very troublesome. But I depended a lot on my parents lah so Its not like im a superwoman or anything haha
Yah I AM Indeed glad im breastfeeding when travelling... so much so that i can't imagine how will i handle him when i've successfully weaned him off totally!!?!?! SCARY!!
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