17th Oct 2010,
We were free the whole day. So in the afternoon, my parents brought us to open field the little hill behind Singapore Sports School to try out Tufeil's Mini Kite.
We reached there 5.15pm and it was VERY HOT still and not many people were there yet. by 6pm, the bigger kite players were finally there. But unfortunately, not many kites could get into the sky and stay there. The wind was a bit flat yesterday. But we sure had fun with the one ball that we brought.
Wahhh macam Footballer sey.
Tufeil insisted on tugging at the tail.
Well actually, Tufeil just ran around with his ball. Even made friends with a 2.5yr boy and his older sister. By that I mean just throw the ball at each other. He was not very interested with the kite. But Syifaa' was old enough to appreciate it and she ran and ran and ran and ran. Really, her energy was like boundless!
It was my first kite flying excursion. We should try again on a windier afternoon.
0 glasses of Juice:
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