For a longggg time, the only ice cream i liked is Solero Sling. You know the frozen lime outside with vanilla inside?
That was until my dad bought a packet of this jelly ice cream and i was like, "OMG, what else have i been missing out on?" hahaha
But i forgot what's the name of the ice cream. Everytime i ate it, it was in the darkness of my room with Tufeil asleep behind me. I searched for it high and low at Cold Storage, NTUC, to no avail. Ieven tried to search for it online. I went to Nestle's, Solero's website, nothing. Sheikh Google disappointed me.
Sekali rupa2nya... (Well actually) it's available at the provision shop nearest my house!
Wana's in Town!
Fri, 4th June 10.
I took leave to meet with Wana who's in town from KHI and the rest of the SWPH.
Initially we wanted to meet at my house and i wanted to make Keema Malay version. But Wana was not feeling well, so we switched to her place instead so she doesnt hafta go out. Just as well. Cos i took leave and get to go out! Wheee
PotLuck consisted of:
Also unfortunately, Mummy made them. I know how to but i was trying to get T down for a nap before we go out.
LOL we wanted to meet at 12. At 1:10pm then i left. I took the cab but i was still 45min earlier that the next one to arrive. Tufeil even managed to fall asleep first. But it was raining something fierce with thunder and all so not 30min later, he woke up already.
He just started having cough that day and was very clingy to me. But after awhile, he started playing:
The circle is not some effect i photoshopped but actually my casing came off slightly obscuring the camera lens a bit. HAH
Tufeil has NEVER climbed onto somebody else's lap! Well somebody other than family members under one roof anyways.
Honestly, when i first stepped into her house, i was totally thrown aback by her voice. Not that anything was wrong with it, just that i had never associated any sound to her picture. LOL. I've only ever talked to her once on the phone when she called me from Pak at the hosp just after I gave birth.
Wana did not bring a lot of cloth materials this year, but instead several diff kinds of instant food packets and some Guys kurtas. Fara was the big spender of the day buying, i dont know 4 - 5 of them?
We went home after 6pm! Fortunately for me, Nisa's husband picked her up and she said they could give me a ride home too. Save my cab fare plus 35% surcharge. Thank you Mr & Mrs Sheikh.
Tufeil Sujud? & Other developments
Tufeil sujud ke kiss letter?
Masya'Allah. At 14months, He's at a stage where mimicry is the IN thing to do. He's always repeating what we say. His vocab has expanded so so much.
It is the nicest feeling in the world to hear when he woke up and said "Mummy." Yes he can say my name now. Also, his favourite phrase is, "Nak Susu" (Want milk). Even in the middle of the night if he came awake, he would say nak susu very clearly. LOL my mum say, "Your voice is soo gentle/sweet/soft. please stay that way."
Even words that we used to say but havent done so recently, he suddenly uttered them. Meaning to say that he may seem not to know something, but at the back of his head, the brain is storing information indiscriminately. Hafta keep reminding myself that we can't say or do unfavourable things we don't want him to do.
He's sick the whole of last week. At KK, he weighed in at 8.6kg. That's almost half a kg less than a month ago when he was sick last. He hasnt been eating well and he has been coughing A LOT A LOT! Even after 5 days of Vasican Syrup doesn't ease it. Right now, i've halted the meds. I'm thinking that the syrup is making him cough more than usual cos it sounds dry as opposed to phlegmy. *shrug*.
In any case, we have a KK follow up check up tmrw (Mon). So we'll ask them how to manage his cough.
Woodlands WaterFront & Singgah Selalu
Wah today was a Jalan-jalan day.
In the morning, we went for Breakfast at KFC then visited Tufeil's Great Grandmother. Unfortunately, didn't get to snap pictures. Then we went home for a 2hr nap.
At 6pm, we went out again to see the newly opened Woodlands WaterFront.
We took so long walking up and down the Jetty, we didn't have enough time to explore the playground. But i saw a Hanging wood & rope bridge, so i deduce its very much for bigger kids anyways.
So off we went across the Causeway for dinner @ Singgah Selalu. Mummy checked my passport and the last time i went to JB was in Aug last year! Even Tufeil has been there twice before this year alone! Cheh.
High chair has no buckle so all night i had to rest my left hand in front of Tufeil.
It's been a long time i had Otak2 even though Woodlands has a night bazaar every other month cos it's wayyy too expensive at 5 for $2, i think? These 10 pcs here cost just RM5 about S$2 - $2.50.
As usual, after awhile, Tufeil got restless. Even the food didn't hold anymore charm. So Ayah came to the rescue:
Hmmm... It seemed like it hadn't been clean in a very long while, though! Not to mention the peeling "wallpaper". *Shudder*
So our Vesak Day Long Weekend was yet another fulfilling one.
On Friday we didn't go out but rested at home.
And on saturday, me and Tufeil went out for lunch @ Cafe Galilee at the library. then went out with my parents again at night for dinner @ East Coast.
As a result, Tufeil slept really well at 10.30pm. Giving me at least 2 hours of own time before he woke up again. I want to try this theory on Weekdays too but it's too tiring to entertain him till 10pm and it also depends on what time he woke up from his last nap which varies from 2 - 5pm! Wah piang ey
Career Crossroad
Honestly, I dont see myself in this industry for long.
You see, i'm handling two processing portfolios: Underwriting (premium collection stuffs) and Claims.
The top of the career for the former is to become an underwriter yourself, that is to get the business, get clients through brokers, etc. That requires a lot of entertaining, and I'm definitely not into that wine & dining business.
The latter is quite the opposite. Entertainment almost equals to some sort of unethical favours. BUT claimant will usually hound you for urgent surveys, immediate payment, curse you up and down if anything is inaccurate. I doubt very much my gentle soul can take such a beating.
But wouldn't it be a waste of my 7 years experience in this industry? Thena gain I'm still young and maybe it's still not too late to switch. I've always wanted to do accounting but never did cos Ash is already one and i thought it wouldn't do for my parents to have two daughters of the same profession. Me & my stupid "balanced" theories. Also, will the Entry level match my current salary?
And then there are times when i feel very much like a Jack of All Trade but a Master of NONE! I used to be very good in Malay Language in Sec 1 and 2 and decided i wanted to be a translator. Suddenly in Sec 3 and 4 i aced my maths and definitely wanted to do a number job. Got rather tired of words and letters.
I continued feeling confident about numbers until this year when the seed of doubt was planted into me by all the confusing additions and substractions. Who take how much from who? Then give to who what? It was never clear to me in the very beginning. I had hoped that some courses would enlighten me on that, but to no avail as each accounts vary from case to case. Surely there is some sort of Framework to base on, right? I thought. But I still cannot find the answer.
"So what am i really good at?" I asked myself. Words. Or Numbers?
What do I do with regards to my career? Stay and get bored and dull? What else is out there? I have no clue. Is there a career consultant anywhere?