4th July 2010.
We decided, after the constantly interrupted Bfast we had yesterday, to eat at the Crest Lounge. So Tufeil might not get so restless and if need be, he has space to run around.
The small spread.
The selections were definitely lesser but we can actually ask the attendant to get us something from the Coffee House - where the main Bfast foods are. Since we already seen what are available over there, it was easy for us to order. All in all a better experience i would say.
Nothing much really. We just headed out back to Singapore, esp cause Mum has a wedding to go to.
Tufeil was good in the car. I didn't drive. We stopped at one of the R&Rs possibly Machap and bumped into my cousin's future husband who then gave us some Durians from his garden and then the BIG ANTS found their way from the boot to the passenger seats. YIKES! Nasib baik takde pape.
0 glasses of Juice:
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