So i took half day leave yesterday afternoon to watch INCEPTION starring Leonardo Dicaprio. I don't think he's good looking - anymore - Ash. If anything, That Gordon-Levitt is more charming in a selenger way. OMG i'm sooo superficial.
It's a good movie. One that makes you think and makes your 2.5hr fly without feeling like ur bums are asleep!
I understand the concept of a Dream within a Dream, how they wake up, the concept of time... but there are some technical aspects that I'm not clear of. SPOILERS NOW!
- I thought Dreams are based by the imagination of the Dreamer, why do they need architect? I guess to station their sedatives and bombs in each level?
- If several of them are going under together, how do they determine whose dream they are entering?
- How would the girl's totem - a King Chess Piece - work to know she's in reality?
- If the wife killed herself in a dream and that's why she's in limbo permanently, where's the body? Or was that real life? I'm confused
- What's with all the COMBINATIONs???? Why does Fischer junior need that combination? To open the safe yes, but why so troublesome to extract the numbers?
- I didnt hear properly but what did Fischer Senior said Not disappointed in him but disappointed in... what? Is that Junior's projection or the architect's work?
0 glasses of Juice:
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