
Almost 1yr 5 months

The last few weeks as he's about to turn 17months old, Tufeil recorded a few proper milestones:


For a longgggg while, he was able to hold food, bite once then discard. When he got to the end of a fries stick for eg., he would give to me to feed it back to him. Over the last weekend, I placed bits of bread and cheese on his high chair tray when he started to fuss around asking to be let down. Suddenly he got interested in the food again and fed himself! He was able to release his fingers when the food got into his mouth.

Well... He's been showing interest to feed himself anyway. How? By taking the spoon i'm using and trying to pick it himself - to no avail. I usually give up, give him the spoon and feed him with my own hands which is easier anyways.

Self Reminder: take the curved baby spoon for him during each mealtime or with appropriate foods.


Also for a longgggggg time, i've been trying to introduce to him the straw but he just chewed on it. I bought several different kinds of sippy cups and he detested each and everyone of it. (Have i blogged about this? Feels like dejavu) Then one day, we were on our way to JB and i only brought two kinds of bottle of water. The straw and the non-slip sippy. He hates the latter. I got so desperate and i showed him countless times how to sip from a straw and finally he got it!

The only thing i had to contend with now is he LOVES to SPIT IT OUT and say "Tumpah" (drop/spill?) or "Basah" (wet) and proceeds to play with the water. Once, he had ever fallen as a result! *shake head*

3. TOUCH to play

Yet again for the longest time, Tufeil LOVED pressing the Home button of the iPhone / iPod. Much to his own frustration! He didn't yet understand why when he hits that button, his movie or game came to a stop. Still doesn't but at least an application has a chance of being played longer cause he now knows how to "play".

  • He can now touch the (+) and sometimes (-) buttons on his Iqra apps to go to the next page.
  • Press one of 3 items to reveal PEEK-A-BOO (he calls it I See You though)
  • Press one of 3 colours to paint the animals correctly in Petey the Paintbrush, etc.

He even knows which icon is his Iqra'. But he has yet to learn to slide open the phone (take your time, babe).

4. Words

He is able to vocalise A LOT of animal words and sounds. The usual farm animals, Zoo animals: Lion, Giraffe (No sound for this), Monkey, snake.

However, when it comes to body parts, he can say nose and sometimes point, can point ear but cannot say. But that's about it. Oh he can say and understand Kaki (legs) but can't point them. I need to work on these vocabs on him. I guess hafta do the Head & Shoulder songs i've been neglecting...

He is on parroting overtime. LOL He will repeat everything we say. Even when my mum melatah OH GEBEK GEBEK. HAHAHAHAHHA (something like upsy daisy only funnier).

He's picked up some Arabic from this IQRA iphone apps, his one and only source of Arabic. He knows Jamal (camel - cos we have a camel soft toy), Doodah (worm - cos my dad always wriggle his finger into a room first before entering / showing face).

I think he must have picked up some Urdu too cos i heard him saying Hafiz as in Allah Hafiz (Goodbye). Only he knows that I'm not an Urdu speaker so he doesnt say it to me.

So i'm like juggling 3 languages to teach him: English, Malay (Mainly his Nenek though), Arabic while my baby has to absorb all 4. And possibly Mandarin when he gets older. GOSH! *Faint*

I think there's some more to write about. but I just can't recall! Great - i'm losing my mind! I'll write again when I remember.

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2 glasses of Juice:

Ashley said...

Write lah about him singing Five Stars Arising.. haha. And When you're happy and you know.... : )

Jussaemon said...

Oh tu nak kena capture on video. hehehehe