
Monthly Developments - 24months

The past month leading up to his 2nd birthday, he showed a few progress.

In speech, he can suddenly read the Doa before eating, all by himself. Just need to cue "Allahumma". We don't usually force him to repeat after us. In fact, I only read Bismillah with him. Probably my mum and sis taught him this one. It was a surprise to all of us. Masya'Allah. After this discovery, I tried to get him to read the doa before journey (Subhanallazi sakkhara lana haza...). He CAN read the whole thing but with some mispronounciations and missing a few syllables.

He's also started questioning my actions. He'd say "Kenapa, Mummy?" when I burst out laughing watching TV, or if i yelled ouch.

His other favourite phrase is, "Cammana?!" (HOW). It's a bit disheartening to see that he kinda gives up after trying for just awhile. But can't blame him too much. He probably picked that up from me. Even till today, I would still let out a big loud grunt making sure my mum is within hearing distance for her to help me do something. LOL

He also picked up another phrase from me. "Tufeil tak nak yang ini. Tufeil tak suka." (I don't want this one. I don't like it.) *with an expression full of dislike* During the trial weaning process i kicked off last month, I told him repeatedly, "Mummy tak suka Tufeil nangis." (I don't like you crying.) and now he throws it back to my face. Oops. Should remind myself to be more POSITIVE!

One day, we were playing Tickle Time on bed. He was sprawled on top of me when I attacked his thighs. He flinched, frowned and said, "Tufeil tengah berak lah." (I'm pooping) It was soooo funny!!

Besides speech, Tufeil has started a very very BAD HABIT of LICKING his hands!!!! He would stick a few fingers in his mouth most of the time. Sometimes he would lick his whole palm and even arms!!! I think this started when I tried to wean him off. :S

So much so that I feel my love for dogs have somewhat had a repercussion because I always feel that I need to "walk" Tufeil first before going to a quiet place that requires a lot of sitting around or in an enclosed place. Also he likes to sit under the table and then I would feed him from there. Yikes!

After coming back from the Syrian trip, he totally refuses to wear leggings in Singapore. Ok I think one of the patterns have small little stars and triangles that may cause the irritation but he shuns ALL the other leggings too. Oh Great. That sure decreases the number of long pants he has for sleepwear. But more recently, he has begun to object to wearing long sleeve shirts too. This leaves me very worried if he gets cold in the middle of the night = i keep waking up to cover the blanket over him. Grrrr

At longggg last, I feel confident about taking him on the escalator on foot (not stroller). I had accidentally tried once and it was a big scare! He was walking and holding my hands when the escalator came to view and we started to step on it. I totally forgot that we've never done this before and found that T was lagging behind I had to jerk his hands up and I stepped down to be nearer to him I almost fell. Then i realise that I had to let him get on it first before I follow suit. Cheh!

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