Sat 12th Jan 2011 (22.5 months)
The day started with vacuuming and mopping while Ayah entertained the Kiddo. It was almost noon when Mum suggested we go to the beach for playground time and lunch. I had to decline because I was filthy and still had a few things to do.
But they were gone for so long, I managed to watch 2hours of Australia (its 2hr 40min long). When they came back at 2pm, I was glad to know tt T still hadn't napped yet. Showered him and told him its nap time but Susu will only be there at night. I carried him standing and put his head on my shoulder, patting him while playing the Mukhlis DVD (10 songs followed by karaoke version).
He was quiet and about to go off to DreamLand i think but unfortunately, the DVD stopped after 3 songs. I had to scramble to play it again and with the actions, he got alert and asked for Elmo DVD, changed it, then he cried Tak Nak Elmooo (Don't want Elmo)... Nak Susu... I explained... and changed back to Mukhlis ensuring its in the middle track. And he was out in 10min. No problem laying him down on the bed...
I think we are off on a good start BUT... My back and arms hurt a lot!! I finished another 35min of Australia and wanted to go down for a nap too but the moment I hit the bed, he woke up. DANG IT! Only half-heartedly tried to console him. Because I knew he won't be able to go back to sleep without the Susu.
So Ayah took over and brought him down to the playground. When they returned about half an hour later, Ayah's drilled into T No more Susu! If anybody asked him, "Nak susu mummy?" He would adamantly say TAK NAK. But when I asked him... he would falter... and repeat nak susu mummy. LOL.
Nevermind. I give him 3 weekends at home to let him get used to the idea of no daytime susu even when I'm home first. In March, we'll start to wean off the night feeds lah. Insya'Allah...
Anyway, after maghrib, we went to Jurong Point for dinner at Sakura and grocery shopping.
0 glasses of Juice:
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