
First Family Outing

Sat, 16th may 09.

So Zubair brought us to Swensen's. Causeway Point. Ok its not very far at all but its still a First outing for us which is purely recreational and not for some appointment or anything.

It was also the first time we finally get to use the stroller.

I had just fed the babe before going out but just for 10min before Zubair said, "Its going to rain soon" and i had to stop prematurely. So i also abandoned my intention to change diaper.

Z ordered BBQ Half Chicken and me Swensen's Combo which are all finger fried stuffs. And fortunately too, because half way into our late lunch, Tufeil got cranky and Zubair held him first. I tried to knife out some bits of chicken for him so he cld eat while holding the baby but my cutlery skills are never there.

So instead, i cut up my chicken to forkfuls and told him to pass the baby and i fed the baby and ate with my right hand. A good thing we got a seat way at the back of the restaurant so it was quite discreet. We were very fortunate too that baby had a good latch on and did get off till he was full.

(I'm digging my new $68 specs!)

The only thing was we had to persevere with the er... dirty diaper smell till when we reached home.

"Mummy, Hurry up, please. I want to be changed!"

On Mothercare counter, Urgent shopping.

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3 glasses of Juice:

Nisa AK said...

MashaAllah he's such a big boy already!

Sandra said...

Wow, he is getting big! You seem like a very natural family, all fears gone. Is it a big deal to feed baby in public there? People here tend to be very uncomfortable with it. Silly, as that is what "the gals" are made for!

Oh, my niece-in-law gave birth May 16 at 4:30 am, to a little girl! All are doing well. Ahhh, babies!

Ashley said...

Tufeil is sooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.... Miss him already...