
Pre-School.. Nursery.. and the likes

A long time ago, from the window of my office, i saw little kids playing at the playground on the roof of the opp building.

(Random picture)

And i thought, "Oh cool! There's a nursery in the middle of CBD (Central Business District) so u can drop off ur children then go to work. How convenient!"

A few months later, on the way to work, i saw a woman striding along the underpass from the MRT carrying a child's bag and hurrying / dragging her 4yr old or so son behind her. and i thought, "Poor child hafta wake up so early in the morning." but never thought about it until....

Yesterday, on the way home from work ie around 6pm, i saw a little girl in sch uniform crying and trying to grab hold of her mother's hand but the mother shooed it away twice. and then i thought, "Poor child.. hafta stay at the playschool centre the whole day?!?!??! Must be real tiring for them. Sure they can get a nap, be fed and what nots.. but surely a home is a home."

Then i started to wonder... How would it be like for me when Zubair and i have children?

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1 glasses of Juice:

Anonymous said...

i guess there's no right of way how a family must do it when theres an addition to the family although it would be best that the mummy takes care of the child during the first few years.

if you must take this step, there are many alternatives to provide extra income like providing tuition, parttime jobs or maybe request to work at home from your boss on certain days.

clear all debts while you still can and it would be wise to save extra for your kid(s) or your retirement if you're planning to stop working.

best if you could ask your mum/mil to look after your baby. but if that's impossible, childcare centres are not as bad as it looks. you can always drop by the mums forums to gain insights from others.

but i think you will know best when the time comes. :)